
Tribunes, Patricians, Citizens.

As We mark our ballots, one week hence,

Our hope is, that We wield grace and respect,

holding true desire in Our hearts,

for the best prospects of Our republic.

For, only thus, will the full gifts and bounty

of this great land come to its full fruition,

as a tribute to our forefathers,

who, this firm foundation, did construct,

and, also as a gift, to future men.


Therefore, We do implore ye, keep thy minds.

Vote not thy anger, nor hatred for ideas

that may, perchance, be different from thine own.

For voting thus may yield the sorry fate

of angry hatred ruling o’er the land.

Vote ye with firm respect, and best intent,

of thy God-given wit for what is right.

Vote neither out of fear, nor out of fret,

vote ye with faith and hope for morrows bright.


Fall ye not for lies, nor cursed deceit,

but searcheth ye for good in all mankind.

Recourse ye not to rude, demeaning names,

Nor let unlikely rumors seek thy gain.

For honor doth refuse to make its home

Where calumny and slander choose to roam.

Shame not thy rivals in thy stern debates,

and, if so tempted, question thyself thus:

Art thou so well disposed to levy shame?

A cause worth bearing is worth reverent discourse.


Vote ye out of sincere gratitude,

To honor those who gave their total worth,

For cause they deemed was greater than their selves.

They who gaveth all they would have had,

For their vision of Our future state.

A future that, by all the grace of God,

and by the acts of all his holy saints,

is now the present that we feud within.

So vote thy hope, and keep thy visions bright,

Voice thy thoughts, and register thy weight,

but, by all means do not discard this right.

For, once this land was very nearly great

And if Our people seeketh out the light,

We’ll have once more Our almost perfect state.

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