The Real Cohen Tape

Trumpspeare: [into phone] And it be false, what they hath said, such lies!

Methinks this will away, and quickly so.

Belike it’s best we do a Charleston thing,

Yet, what that is, I know no more than thee.

Now go, and make thy father proud again.

Good night.

[to next phone line] And now, Cohen, what news with thee.

Cohen: How do the polls delight your excellency?


Trumpspeare: Great progress, and thy man hath proven true.


Cohen:  And, now, we are petitioned by The Times,

for Ivana’s papers, to un-seal.


Trumpspeare: Indeed, this suit must never come to pass,

Send Kasowitz, he shall oppose them well.

[To someone off stage] Bring me an ale, please!


Cohen: We need a company opened for our

Esteemed and loyal friend, Lord Pecker.


Trumpspeare: ‘Tis always good when things are opened up

to give an entrance for our dear Lord Pecker.


Cohen: Indeed.  I’ll do’t.  T’would not be hard at all.


Trumpspeare: Not hard at all?  Pecker won’t work well, then.


Cohen:  Indeed!  I shall withdraw to get it started.


Trumpspeare:  Withdraw to start?  Thy Pecker seems confused.

[To someone offstage] An ale, prithee!

Cohen:  No worry.  Pecker always finds a way

to penetrate the problems of the day.


Trumpspeare: ‘Tis true.  A slippery jack can Pecker be.


Cohen: What shall we call this new-found firm?


Trumpspeare:  Ay.  Pecker is more fit when he is firm.

[To someone offstage] My kingdom for an ale!

Cohen: Shall it be, perchance, Pecker Brothers,

or maybe just The Pecker Company,

or, how about we name it, Pecker and Sons?


Trumpspeare:  That’s it.  I say we use Pecker and Sons.

Without a Pecker, how can one have sons?


Cohen:  Pecker and Sons it is.  I’ll tend to Pecker’s

opening and zip it up at once.


Trumpspeare: Hath ale now quick become as scarce ask King’s blood?

I asked thee for a godforsaken ale.

[Enter Assistant with the ale].

Assistant: Your ale, sire.

Trumpspeare: Thank thee very much, indeed.

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